Golf Club Rebranding

Rebrands for golf venues can be daunting for several reasons, since, for one thing, the brand mark or logo appears on so many different items. However, if you’re on the fringe about a rebranding project, consider the impact of this statement:

Golf clubs are not just golf courses – they’re communities of people – and the value of membership is being part of that community & the way it makes you feel.

Appearances just matter. Forasmuch as groundskeeping can make or break your reputation, it’s only logical that the logo on the flags & the entire visual experience of the club’s persona should be also carefully crafted.

For many elite clubs, their “brand” consists only of a dated logo, a dated website (often a pain to update) and perhaps a membership application form. When asking staff what they are selling, we often hear a list of amenities – not the experience and benefits of a membership.

Is this topic on your radar? There are different milestones to trigger a rebrand, including:

  • Repositioning on the heels of upgrades or new investment

  • Adding members of a newly-targeted audience

  • Retaining members amid competition

We can elevate the club’s visual image & help detangle communication with current & prospective members. Our 2 person, midwestern team works quickly, isolates growth opportunities & thrives on common sense.




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