Why Business Owners are Turning to Creative Consulting
‘If you can't explain it simply, you did not understand it well enough.”
You know your business well, right? Probably better than anyone else. You know the ins & outs – all of the minutia – you have a deep passion for it & you live it. Possibly for better or worse – some business owners or department directors admit they even lose sleep, pondering over problems, solutions & big ideas.
So here’s an interesting question, then:
Does your prospective customer need THAT level of passion or knowledge or minutia to purchase, to remain a customer – or even refer others?
No. And in reality, it’s not possible they could, anyway. Why not?
Think of the time you’ve spent accumulating the aforementioned information. Long nights, and impossible odds, as the song goes – that’s how you became successful. And if you are currently in the planning / building / launch phases of a new venture, you aren’t expecting any less of a challenge.
Our customers – when exposed to typical marketing touchpoints cannot possibly digest the knowledge or passion that we, as the proprietors, have accumulated. There is no time, no interest & frankly - it’s not necessary. We’d probably all readily agree on this rather simple truth.
Despite that fact, this is right where many business owners get tangled up. And I’ve seen it over & over again. With the best of intentions, they unwittingly project THEIR deep knowledge of their service or product onto the customer, confusing them, overwhelming them, and creating a barrier to their purchase or loyalty.
In other words, they can nerd out – especially in their marketing touch points. If the customer needs a drink, we’ll turn on the firehose. Because more is better, right? Such “touch points” could include the website, social media content, slogan, retail space, packaging, adverts – all of it. So why is this such a common pitfall?
It’s sneaky & simple: you know your value proposition. You know your features & benefits – all of which you feel sets you apart from your competition. The temptation is to then insert those points into every conversation & every interaction w/ the customer. Because more must be better. “And what if they don’t know about (blank)? Then (insert bad sales scenario) might happen”.
This is exactly why business owners are starting to work with creative consultants. When you collaborate with an outside consultant, you gain outside perspective – something you as a business owner could never actually have. You are way too ‘in it’. And you should be – that’s where you need to be: executing every day – running your operations. “Snapping necks & cashing checks” as some say. Especially (probably) in the poultry processing business.
When you work with a creative consultant who is experienced in design communications, you gain a powerful translator. If you’ve ever used a translator app, it’s a great example of what I mean. Two people are speaking different languages. One person needs something. The other person COULD help them – wants to help them – but there’s a barrier. As a solution, the app can hear one person, understand them & then communicate their need in a way the other party can understand. Now we can solve a problem. Or, make a sale.
It’s absolutely the same with your business. Business owners & customers may speak a different language, it that, the business owner is so “head-down”, so into the daily operations, into the industry trends, into the nuts & bolts (down to the atomic level). They may struggle to communicate that in a simple way to their audience w/o overwhelming them & turning them off.
That takes us back to our opening quote – good ‘ol Al Einstein. To understand something well is to be able to explain it simply. That’s exactly what a creative consultant will do for you: zero in on your goals, separate what could be distracting, and dive deep in the weeds so that when they’re done, your customers won’t have to.
At Leggera Creative, we consult on all visual communication & messaging items holistically. Then – if we’ve gained your trust – we get to work, executing & actually building these customer touch points which will communicate to your audience just how great your brand is.
Let me put my money where MY mouth is, though, and simplify the minutia I’ve just rambled about:
At Leggera Creative, we help elevate your image, detangle communications, & spotlight growth opportunities. We are brilliant at making your business look smart & irresistible to your customers.